In acupuncture, needles are put into the body where “Qi” is blocked or where the patient feels pain. The treatment is simple. Only parts of the body that are sick are treated.
Depending on your illness condition, Acupuncture treatment can take 40 to 60 minutes.
Patients experience deep relaxation during the acupuncture treatment. There is no pain. Most people experience no more than a momentary dull ache, followed by a tingling sensation. Both during and after treatment most people describe a feeling of relaxation and invigoration.
For some conditions, special medical equipment along with acupuncture can be used to achieve better results. After the treatment, special rest or care is not required. This method is really beneficial for patients.
Rest assured that using acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, we will do our best to help you heal your disease, recover and improve your general health.